Saturday, April 16, 2011

Where To Get Boat License For Canoe

BNA Article de Andaluces

"I'm fed up I do not know if you speak, write, scream, or put to hache interleaved. -Tired of the Andalusians we label as vague, without discretion, apesebrados, subsidized or uneducated. -Tired of that we only associate with ... flamenco, partying, bulls and wine. -Tired of Lopera, Del Nido and mash-Sevilla, cuentachistes of famosillos third division of Malaysian and Falete. -Tired of TV series in the papers or silly illiterate maid Andalusian accent (and no news presenter with our accent?). -Tired of zapping programs with the pathetic John and Middle program mocking our seniors looking for couples, giving the image of grotesque characters. -Tired of our company image subsidized, catheter and without criterio.Cansado that disparages our accent. -Tired of Andalusia that only succeed in the program, Patricia, Big Brother and the like. -Tired of Jesulín of Pozi, Pantoja and juries. Tired of giggles and humorous sets of Pilgrimage of the Dew and Feria de Abril. -Tired of the Duchess of Alba (a which made the favorite daughter of this land, touch your pirindolos) of her boyfriend, his daughter, his children, his son, their flamenco dresses and their bikinis in Ibiza. -Tired of fighters that are bundled with hookers to go after the TV to win a paste on the face of the jug and the tambourine. "Tired, tired, bored, bored I am. "I wish the media ever remember the millions of Andalusian get up every morning to lift it, or of many parents and grandparents who emigrated to Germany decades ago, Catalonia and the Basque Country, with an employment contract to work where the natives did not want. "I hope he speaks to our ignorance of Seneca agreed, Maimonides, Averroes, Gongora, Becquer, Alexandre, Lorca, Juan Ramón Jiménez, Machado, Falla, Zambrano, Picasso, Velázquez, Murillo, Alberti, Carlos Cano, Gala, Luis Rojas Marcos, García Montero, Sabina ... "I wish to remember we talked to Andalusian accent lawyers, sailors, doctors, builders, architects, waiters, taxi drivers, prostitutes, judges, nurses, businessmen, policemen, workers, farmers, agreed to millions of people who split the horns every day from Palos to Cape Gata Millions of Andalusia Andalusia who continue beyond Despeñaperros. "I wish this post to read it many, many people. Hopefully turn around the world, but I fear that it will be lost in the vast ocean of internet. "It could also happen that this post would expand the network, which will link the Andalusians through facebook, or twitter tuenti, to be disseminated by email and got all over the world, and I leave it in your hands.


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