thought about piquillo peppers filled with a ajoarriero but given the heat so heavy day we had yesterday in Valencia, I decided to convert the recipe into something lighter and refreshing. Result: peppers stuffed with fresh stuff.
2 cans pimientos de piquillo
250 gr.
mascarpone 3 pickles agriduldes
a can of liver Smoked cod
a mushroom
a handful of dried tomatoes
fennel sprigs salt and pepper
Put the peppers in a baking dish or a little. Put a shower of sugar and bake at 180 degrees for 6 minutes.
While preparing the filling. Drain well over cod liver oil. Cut into smallish pieces Mushroom, Once thoroughly cleaned, pickles and green twigs of fennel. Couple this with the mascarpone cheese. Cut
when hydrated sun-dried tomatoes in very small pieces.
Leave the peppers to warm and begin to fill them with gentleness and patience.
can present on leaves of lollo or other lettuce leaves and put a balsamic vinegar reduction for color and contrast. It is a delicious dish as a starter or a salad to complete.
Cost: cheap
Time: half hour
Difficulty: "?
Bon profit!
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