wore since Christmas trying to make this sweet and one week on the other, since spring has arrived and here I am doing a post-Christmas dessert. My father is an inveterate sweet tooth while other family members are not, so I tried to take away from this dessert as much sugar as possible. The result: a fine dessert, delicate and with a tremendous taste of almonds. By the way, my dyke sister (just about incredibly good tortillas) made a potato fritters before this feast. Rich rich.
One tablet of nougat Xixona
1 / 2 pint of semi skimmed milk (enough fat has nougat)
Add caramel (or do it with about 3 tablespoons sugar in a saucepan and without moving it with a spoon, move the pan until a caramel liquid) the mold.
Preheat oven to 180 degrees with a pan of water where you will put the flan in a water bath for about 35 minutes or until curd is pierced with a skewer or thin knife blade (until it runs clear). Cool
, possibly enough hours in the refrigerator. Remove from pan and enjoy!
Cost: medium
Time: 45 minutes Difficulty
Bon profit!
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