Saturday, April 30, 2011

Copycat Recipe Gerber Puffs

The Athenaeum was created through a management board, which is responsible for developing the Cultural Association of Flamenco.L estatutosdel

the board of directors will consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of fifteen members.

The financing will be mainly self-generated and whether for profit

management headquarters ateneo be covered by contributions from partners, sponsorships, rental and operation of ambigú part by grants from the Board Ayuntamientoy Andalucía.OBJETIVOS THE ATENEO

1) Consider the culture of flamenco, as a fundamental basic concept for the integral formation of persons


2) Promote cultural events related to flamenco through study, training and research.

3) Promote the cultural approach to the associative neighbors


4) Encourage collaboration with other institutions and social organizations


5) Providing courses and workshops on the history of flamenco, dancing and guitar Flemish

.6) deep in the flamenco, helping your company a greater presence in the area and spread their knowledge.

7) To hold conferences, events, exhibitions, conferences, debates and meetings on topics related to flamenco


8) Printing and distributing all kinds of publications, information and disclosure about flamenco.

9) Cear working groups to study and research of all flamenco palos

.10) promoting partnerships with institutions and public organizations oprivadas. 11) Bring the culture of flamenco to the people.

12) Promote and encourage young people into a genuine artistic and cultural vocation


13) must be a space to share projects, values \u200b\u200band feelings.


1) The activities of the Athenaeum is generically addressed to people interested in lacultura of flamenco, to persons likely to become sensitized to issues of cultural and serdisfrutadas every citizen and citizen without prior determination

.2) Promoting young talents of flamenco


3) To organize concerts, illustrated talks in Estepona institutes for high school students to spread the art


4) cinematographic projections, related to flamenco


5) recitals and competitions of flamenco in all its varieties, dance and flamenco guitar


6) Bees, book presentations and literary competitions calls related to flamenco


It should be noted and this is very important, is that the future of Flamenco Cultural Association, will be the first of its kind in Andalusia.


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