The Constitutional Tribunal (TC) denies the recognition of all Andalusians be able to manage its river par excellence and geographical structuring invoking the interests of citizens Murcia and Extremadura, which still I do not understand that they can, and why a Constitutional Court as the new comes into the cloth of political middling as the now retired Rodriguez Ibarra. The TC will cut the Andalusians when they voted the present Statute, that's a fact. Article 51 of our statute is almost of the few who could understand that conducting a petition plus Andalusian rights over the previous statute, and yet we amputate it. Cite them, "The Autonomous Community of Andalusia holds exclusive jurisdiction over the waters of the Guadalquivir Basin that pass through its territory and not affect another autonomous region, subject to overall planning of the hydrological cycle of the basic rules on environmental protection environment, the hydraulic public works of general interest and the provisions of article 149.1.22 ª of the Constitution. "
The Guadalquivir river, went to the adoption of the current status Andalusia, a general principle of law of all Andalusians, is the birthright of each and every one of the Andalusians was no legal recognition, but de facto and in fact was, is and will be, despite TC centralist claims. According to this conception of law, general principles of law are an important part of legal science. That whether or not incorporated in a particular legislation, ie, whether or not recognized by the political will may not be relevant, but if it is of course for the Andalusian historical nationality as he must fight for your identity , structuring, legal and economic geographical and not crumble. So this sentence could have been clarification as to what falls within the Guadalquivir basin and what is not, rather than restrictive, leaving both Article 51 of our statute intact and meet other surrounding communities . Reject that article in full increasingly separated from the will and the sense of citizens and the general principles of law that person, only produces a vicious element, which dictates the TC affects its credibility and presumption of good work.
Moreover, the wording of that article, has not reserved any flow or anything like that and also being fully conservative citing several provisions of the constitution (which I understand there was no need to do so), which was requested and must continue to demand and is asking for his transfer in the ordinary administration of the Guadalquivir, which environmental and biological terms are many experts who determine the best way to manage a river and its water is as close as possible, ie from Andalusia.
A new attempt might forget that the Andalusian our rights from the centralism of Madrid, although it seems to be more difficult to do unless you want to dry the river, perhaps everything will come.
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