The Palmeritas snack crackers are a great: easy, which is always good and delicious to drink. This time I improvised with what was in the pantry cottage of my friend. I apologize because although the idea is good and the taste was fantastic, the pastry did not rise as it should because the oven was wood and did not get to go up to the ideal temperature for this. But well, were delicious and not repeat them to discard them look nicer.
Ingredients: Two
pastry sheets a can of pickled mussels in a pot of tapenade
doing bits of an inch wide. Go put each on a baking sheet. Repaints Palmeritas each with beaten egg.
Bake at 200 degrees until you see brown. You can turn them over to take the same color on both sides. If grilling be careful because burned away. Probably best to let it brown without browning.
Cost: cheap
Time: half hour
Difficulty: "?
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