On August 5, 2010, the Deputy Provincial Silvia A. Petitti presented the project of the Provincial Youth Law.
himself aims to establish the institutional framework and guiding policies, plans and programs by the Province and civil society for youth, to strengthen and promote their comprehensive training, thus contributing to their physical, psychological, social and spiritual , and while allowing their involvement and active participation in social, economic and political as a young man and citizen, thus guaranteeing the exercise and enjoyment of their rights, understood as complementary to those recognized by the National Constitution and International Human Rights Treaties.
From Radical Independent Block firmly believe that the resolution of the various youth problems such as high crime rates, substance abuse and many others, are to ensure the rights, encourage participation and integrate the different levels and areas state to define a comprehensive proposal that response to the complexity of current needs. This will lead to a strong youth inclusion, which implies the possibility of individual and collective. Nevertheless, we understand that the resolution provided is collective, and participatory democracy. There is no alternative.
It must be emphasized that today the youth sector has a constant situation right violated and that, while establishing that they have rights as citizens and residents, it makes visible the lack of mechanisms and policies for action concrete through the state guarantee the fulfillment of human rights, political, social and economic.
In this situation, the provincial government has for youth policy and agencies, but are responsible to reflect on their reality, research, plan and develop strategies tailored to their needs, are inadequate to cover the various problems. There is no specific legislation, appropriate institutions and dynamic and effective programs for the multiplicity of conflicts that have young people in La Pampa.
The project is a whole, a set that is articulated and feedback from the recognition of correlative rights which involve commitments on the proposals in various thematic areas relate to each other, which are needed to achieve an overall impact or fragmented and piecemeal. The initiative is a summary of all collected and studied, but gained from a clear and concrete definition of the vision before us youth, and youth, their current status, prospects and characteristics which should provide a real public policy for youth.
Our intention, through a sustained, focused on together in a single body of law a set of guarantees, commitments, actions, projects and actions aimed at strengthening the promotion and development of the young people, stipulating a set of rules and lines of action that fully comply with the mandate , for example, Article 23 of the Constitution of the Province of La Pampa, to claim that education as a fundamental dimension of any very social, cultural and economic, to respond to the true principles of universality, quality, and gradual, plurality, freedom and equality, not ending when the child finishes high school, but perpetuated by the time he needed to fully develop. We therefore propose through the project that all young people attended and included in the planned promotion mechanisms (Youth Work Training and Youth Entrepreneurship), who have not completed their primary education and / or secondary, should be reported to the Ministry of Education the Province in order to promote the completion of their studies, and the Ministry who shall provide the necessary resources.
Another noteworthy aspect of this initiative is a valuable attempt to define what youth can understand and define the age group ranging from 15 to 30 years. This cut is extremely important in terms of governance, defining the strategies and actions for social intervention. While the demarcation of the threshold of youth from chronological notions, can pass through restricted and restrictive connotations, our gaze is clear that ranks first addressing the young people as a historical and social construction in a time and place determined.
already presented Bill, it will be widely discussed through a pluralistic and participatory process led by the Legislature, which must involve government agencies, civil society and, of course, the young people, reaching consensus and agreements necessary to arrive a single text, definitive and comprehensive.
Because we believe in the Province of La Pampa has its Youth Law, and because then we can make our own the words of the young reformers of 1918, "Today we have for the country, with less shame and more freedom ... the pain that remain are the freedoms that we lack " is that within the Block Independent Radical continue working and supporting the youth of our province.
Of course, we appreciate your attention and with any questions or suggestions, please write to or www.bloqueradicalindependiente.blogspot.com bloqueradicalindependiente@gmail.com .
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