On Friday 27 and Saturday August 28 be held in Córdoba Capital, First National People's Medical fumigated .
The event is open to all members of health teams of people in rural areas subject to systematic fumigation in Argentina.
Organizers say that "for several years the residents of rural areas, in many cases accompanied by their physicians and other health team members, are demanding because they feel that the collective health of their communities is affected and that this is environmentally worse day by day. "
For this reason the Independent Radical Block, concerned and committed to this issue, send representatives to this meeting to continue supporting the people who are affected by the indiscriminate use of agrochemicals, providing legislative alternatives protect their rights.
The meeting is organized by:
Module on Social Determinants of the Department of Pediatrics at the UNC. Semiology
Chair (Medical Clinic I), UNC.
Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Cordoba.
Furthermore, we inform you that we are finalizing the details of the Awareness Day and Human Health Agrochemicals that take place on September 24 in General Pico City.
look forward to your presence. Radical Block
independent. Rep.
Silvia A. Petitti.
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