In different corners of the cities have sprung up small bands and independent musicians who perform an enormous effort to create one of the most important cultural productions of our country, as is the music. However, opportunities to publicize and display their art are few , and often trade their opportunity to appear before the public, as many bands and few places to play .
not have the support of the authorities, nor the law, being truncated dreams of progress. In turn, special events, as has been the fulfillment of the Bicentennial of the Nation, which should be the perfect excuse to enjoy the artists of our province, you prefer to go to musicians, but have a proven track record and musical quality, outside the local area ; not to mention the high cost of bringing them .
is why the Deputy Silvia A. Petitti presented to the legislature a bill aiming to protect, promote and encourage musical activity in vivo in Province, through a scheme Promotion of Musical Activity-dependent no official level .
The scheme would by the Ministry of Culture and Education of the Province , and be carried out by a director appointed by the Agency.
Through this medium, solo musicians, bands and establishments that are performed recitals, concerts and clubs, would benefit by granting subsidies and loans.
The purpose of these benefits would encourage, promote and disseminate the musical development of artists, improve their technical equipment and the building conditions of the premises .
To access the system, both the musicians and facilities should enroll in a special register and submit a development proposal, composition, execution, training and music production.
Today, in our country there is a huge number of musicians and music workers, including sound technicians, assistants, technicians and lighting designers, unemployed.
The old rooms where you could see live music have been closed, disabled or simply have closed due to lack of support in order to adapt their facilities to current standards in safety, and the limited impact of their activities.
This fact, coupled with the lack of staging public performances, not only deteriorated and collapsed the life and work of the musicians but also impossible residents access to local cultural expressions .
Through the project aims, therefore, enhance and strengthen the place of musical activity in our land. Notably
who would benefit through this project would not only musicians and commercial establishments, but all Pampa, which would be able to live again enjoy one of the expressions that have the greatest influence on the construction of national identity.
Although La Pampa has a largely indigenous music scene, where its creators evoke the most ancient customs of this area, such as folklore and tango, today we Nearby we see multiple contemporary expressions must also be supported for the sake of cultural diversity.
It goes without saying that the provincial musical activity no specific legislation , preventing the development of it. why we need to have a specific legal and regulatory support, which can stimulate and develop the .
"A recital is a place where music lovers, a world without borders territory or materials that excludes no one, is democratic, supporters and foreign newcomers can feel welcome" is why we ask for your support to contribute to the achievement of measures to promote equalization of opportunities, development and cultural diversity in our province.
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