A yer, after the meeting early in the office of mayor of Cali Jorge Iván Ospina, the national director Jairo Clopatofsky Coldeportes publicly expressed support the process of democratization of America of Cali that advances the NEW AMERICA SA
During the meeting, the mayor and the president OSPINA NEW AMERICA SA MAURICIO RIVAS, accompanied by board members, they told the director Coldeportes the process from the time the general assembly of contributors to American Sports Corporation management team gave the fledgling company and what the current status.
"NEW AMERICA SA has the responsibility to overcome and leave behind the dark history as an institution administrative buried a popular sentiment. The American is managed to meet personal interests and knowing breach of its legal commitments including payment of social security and national and local taxes, "he said during his speech the mayor OSPINA.
"By marketing the city we found that one of the points which are recognized to Cali in the professional sports world and especially its football teams and that is a heritage that can not be ignored" added mayor.
In the process of democratization special actors were linked to the U.S. embassy, \u200b\u200bColdeportes Dimayor, Football, DNE, the assembly of contributors and supporters.
After verifying the seriousness of the process DNE NEW AMERICA SA authorized the opening of bank accounts that did not exist in the former Corporation.
Al Coldeportes director explained it step by step process in response to information provided and undertook to request the authorization to the Superintendent of Financial Institutions NEW AMERICA SA to begin the process of capital by selling shares to the Pre-registration is already six thousand (6,000) fans.
Jairo Clopatofsky congratulated the members of the board of NEW AMERICA SA for their work and endorsed the process of democratization, which is progressing according to established schedules and with the opening towards democratization AMERICA DE CALI to become the first Colombian team to be established as a corporation with all the recognition sports and professional football tab .

Communications SA New America