Well they came decals patches, blocks and branches of the most uncontrolled Swollen Pais. You can request yours by calling: 3175907932 for only 2 000 pesos or write to no.ala.contaminacion @ hotmail.com. More designs soon
Friends web visitors is ta http://labandadeldiablo1997.blogspot.com/ Thanks for following our publications every day either with suggestions and comments ...
The publikacion of today is to congratulate one of the oldest patch in the endurance and the familiar carnival: La Banda del Diablo Baron Rojo Sur, are already encouraging 12 years, 12 years of endurance and carnival, 12 years enforcing the place ke we earn in the grandstand of kualkier temple of football in Colombia as kalles ke, where we seek in one form or another for considering police repression barristas, bands and swollen contrary ke kon Akabar have tried this dream and have not been able , porke worth more love and endurance by America, bullets ke ke Akaba kon the lives of our members of NORTH BLOCK BRS. ke For North Block not know is 12 years of resistance barrister, cultural resistance, a resistance of love.
And we thank all ke kompañeros one way or another are or were in the North Block since its inception when the project began with something called the Infernal Soldiers, and paraded there patches as the Northern Alliance, The Island, Lost Generation, DIN INFERNAL ALCAZARES BLOK, Floral Guadual, bagpipes, THE LOST GENERATION AND TODAY IS ME OLVIDADAN, among others. In all THANK YOU FOR OUR LIVES DREAM, DREAM AND LOVE ETERNAL COMPRECION ESKARLATA THE RED AMERICA.
On behalf of the bands on the island, we send congratulations to the band to reach the championship GP in the North Block Integration Tournament Chanchera Eternal Soldier. The GP is positioned in the first place after thrashing 4 to 1 to patch Infernal Soldiers as part of the birthday of North Block.
Thus was the tournament in the caul involving 8 teams all the Bloque Norte pertenicientes
1. Lost Generation - Champion 2. Infernal Soldiers - Runner 3. Island Red is the - 3 Since 4. Bolivians - 4 Since
L a new creation, mural Northern Block 2010, thanks to everyone who participated in the creation, design and painted the mural. And one of the steps we can see the northern cloth-style stadium in fall on the same steps, in the second tier we see the lost generation cloth rag besides pride and honor of the soldier Chanchera Plate.